.read my blog

Browse through my articles on web development, software engineering, and navigating tech careers, available in English and Portuguese.

3 Key Concepts Foundational to JavaScript

It's impossible to delve deeply into JavaScript without understanding at least these three fundamentals/concepts.

What is tRPC?

Wait, so are we going back to use mono repository which contain the whole application? Like Java + Tomcat + Thymeleaf???

Communication over the web

SOAP, REST, JSON, XML, Interoperability... wait, wait! Intero what? Lets talk about communication between applications.

Short discussion of frontend tests

Testing always involves decisions and tradeoffs. Let me show what have been my "philosophy".

Hello, Serverless

Let me introduce you to Serverless or Serverless computing and how it may be helpful.

Blog (NextJS) + Spotify: sounds good!

Spotify Web API endpoints return JSON about music artists, albums, and tracks, directly from the Spotify Data Catalogue.

My VIM Cheat Sheet

A Great Vim Cheat Sheet! I have compiled a list of essential Vim commands that I use every day.

Hello, Containers

Like the real world example of a container, the contents is isolated. Let me show you though.

SSG, SPA and SSR. Pick one!

In the last decade, front end development went through multiple paradigm changes that make it hard to follow.

Desmistificando o Google Cloud Plataform

A GCP é o conjunto de servidores do Google que dão suporte para desenvolvedores nos seus projetos.

O poder de uma simples página de login

Entenda a estrutura básica de uma página de login e o quanto ela pode testar seus conhecimentos.

SEO: peça chave para o seu negócio

Aparecer ou não no Google pode definir o futuro do seu projeto. Mas, antes de tudo, você sabe mesmo o que é SEO?